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Research interest
Riverine ecosystem is subject to complex ambient effect such as temporal variation of river flow and water temperature.
Furthermore, human-induced change dramatically alters natural river, potentially imapiring habitat of aquatic wild organisms.
To understand ecological response to the varying hydrological regime including anthropogenic changes, I am working on developing eco-hydrological model to predict habitat quality and biodiversity of river animals including fishes and invertebrates.

I believe this framework will be used to solve ecological problems presumably triggered by man-made alteration such as climate change or urbanization.
Also, I hope to contribute to realizing human society accompanying sound nature and wild animals.
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Profile >>> My personal information including education and professional careers.
Study >>> Summaries of my study (devided to three sections).
Publications >>> Papers, presentations, awards and research grants.
Pthoto >>> Taken in domestic or international conferences (basically).
Links >>> Some urls of related person/ institutes.
日本語 >>> 日本語ページにはこちらからどうぞ。
Gakuen Kibanadai-nishi 1-1, Miyazaki, 889-2192 JAPAN.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Miyazaki
Tel: +81-985-58-7334
E-mail: nukazawa.kei.b3[at]cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp
(change [at] to @)